Mar 17·edited Mar 17Liked by Kadrian Alvarenga

Incredible haul, Kadrian! I'm not sure i've ever seen a copy of "Kiss Me..." out in the wild.

Hope the marathon is going (went?) well!

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thx, Kevin! it was crazy to see it out there, especially a Spanish OG Pressing at that, with a very decent price behind it. El Marchante always has incredible spanish pressings of quality albums, it's wild.

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Mar 17·edited Mar 17Liked by Kadrian Alvarenga

Good haul. I love the first three EW&F albums. And, I totally agree on Questlove's assessment of 'Open Sesame.' In fact, the first several K&TG records are absolute fire (up to 'Love & Understanding'). If you don't have it already, check out 'Light of Worlds.' It's worth it for the amazing title track alone!

What is the condition of the Lijadu Sisters LP?

EDIT: Where to start - first clean them all really good! Then, I would play the Lijadu Sisters! 😊

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Thanks, Michael! I'm definitely going to check out your Gang recos for sure. and Lijadu Sisters is VG! The sleeve is a bit worn but the record is really clean. I'm for sure going to spin later this week.

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Great to hear about the Lijadu Sisters LP. A lot of OG African records are pretty trashed. I have a local shop that has fantastic stock constantly coming in the door, but to be honest, many are really beat up and some, their sleeve are disintegrating or caked in mold. He cleans the LPs with a VPI, but even then, it's hit or miss. But, if I saw an OG of a few favorite titles (Oscillations!) and if they were in decent condition and affordable, I'd definitely grab them. So, very good score on the Lijadu Sisters!

Let me know if you pick up 'Light of Worlds' and what you think! It should be easy to find and cheap(ish). Cheers!

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Yeah I know what you mean, John from @monorecords gets his directly from there but he manages to find some good copies till and cleans ‘em up. Check out his Instagram page, he’s always selling some good finds

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Quick update here: I listened to both Celia and Lijadu and they were fantastic first spins, but I have to shout out Mams and Hart too, it’s not on Spotify but it is pure Nigerian disco boogie with slippery bass lines and I’m obsessed

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Mar 21·edited Mar 22Liked by Kadrian Alvarenga

Klaatu is famous only because they were the (probably) accidental perpetrators of a "lost Beatles album" caper back in the 70s... they've been trading in on that ever since, I think. (not the album you bought, though)

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funny enough i just listened to Klaatu and it was def giving Beatles knock-off. I'm going to have to hear more about this lost album caper though!

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22Liked by Kadrian Alvarenga

It's documented fairly well here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klaatu_(band)

And on that note, if you haven't yet heard Everyday Chemistry, there's a pretty solid probability that unlike the Klaatu situation, Paul is the mischief maker behind that one. And it's excellent! (ignore the silly very-Paul-like backstory) and just go for the music here...


It's actually my favourite post-Fab album.

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my favorite line from the Klaatu entry: the UK's New Musical Express famously published an article on the Beatles-as-Klaatu theory under the title "Deaf Idiot Journalist Starts Beatle Rumour."

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also wow, this story of the 'backstory' is fascinating, and the "mash-ups" are pretty awesome

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Deaf Idiot journalist indeed. I listened to the album in question and was like, no way is this the Fabs. But it's the power of hope and suggestion, which is totally understandable, and which I share.

On the other hand, the mashups are indeed awesome and they have Macca's signature all over them (plus it's been allowed to exist without takedown orders). And given Thrillington and Fireman and lord knows what else he's done that we don't know about yet and his love of fooling us.... 🤔

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Mar 21Liked by Kadrian Alvarenga

A ton of bangers here. Also just spun my VMP Another Earth, went in blind for my first listen and loved it!

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oh amazing, i think that is going to be my next spin then! i'm going into blind too

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deletedMar 17Liked by Kadrian Alvarenga
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excellent choice with the Celia Cruz one! i agree with your reco and just let the vibe guide me. but honestly the Celia one and Lijadu are calling me. and that Sylvester, too!

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